Thursday, February 21, 2013

SONG: Silence Sings

This song wasn't just inspired by the awesome that is Neil Voss video game soundtracks, it was also brought on by a great need to just chill out and think about everything. To sit in an empty room with little or no sound, and just think. This song came to fruition out of necessity. I've always liked Downtempo and chill electronic music, but I had never really tried to produce a song in the genre. The first time I did try it, it was just okay. I've since been practicing, and working on production techniques. Hopefully the subsequent songs that I produce will sound at least half as good as this. It's definitely the best sounding tune I've produced so far. Hopefully people like it... but to be fair, all that's important is that I enjoy it. That's what makes music so personal. If I don't enjoy it, then what is the point? Money? I guess. There are so many musicians out there that it's next to impossible to break out anyway. It's because of that reason that I have come to this conclusion: I'm just going to keep doing my thing, and if something happens, then it happens. I'm done trying to force a music career out of myself. I'm setting my sights on more important things, like getting fulfillment from the tunes I write, or beginning to understand quantum physics. Okay, so I'm not really gunning for an understanding of quantum physics. I just want to feel good about my life, and my music. Thankfully, that's starting to happen.

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